All Gate Safe Aware Installers play a valuable role in improving the safety of automated gate installations across the UK. Gate Safe recognizes that there are a vast number of smaller businesses operating in this sector, whereby it is entirely appropriate for just one person to have undertaken the Gate Safe training. However, for larger companies, who are sending out teams of installers, it is important that a significant percentage of the work force has been trained to understand the safety protocol for an automated gate. Premier Gate Safe Installer status was introduced in 2013 for companies keen to demonstrate an outstanding commitment to ensuring their installer work force has an up to date and comprehensive understanding of automated gate safety.
What are the criteria for becoming a Premier Gate Safe Aware Installer?
Companies that have trained over 80% of their employees who are actively involved in electric gate installations, are eligible to apply for Premier status. A Premier Gate Safe Aware Installer will also need to convince Gate Safe of its dedication to good practice in the field, as well as demonstrate the company’s genuine ongoing genuine commitment to ensuring all employees understand and subscribe to the importance of automated gate safety.
What distinguishes a Premier Gate Safe Aware Installer from a Gate Safe Aware Installer?
Companies that have been awarded Premier Gate Safe Aware Installer status are provided with access to a unique Premier Installer logo and will also receive a Premier Gate Safe Aware Installer certificate.
Premier Installers are easily identified on the Gate Safe Aware register by a different icon to ensure enhanced stand out on the map.
If a large company does not offer Premier Gate Safe Aware Installer status, you’d have to question their allegiance to the whole issue of automated gate safety. Simply displaying the Gate Safe Aware Installer logo as a marketing tactic is NOT staying true to the founding principles of Gate Safe.